Did polaroid photos ever go out of fashion? If they did, I never got the memo. All I know is that ever since I can remember I have wanted to cover my room in little square photos with white edges. OutKast obviously added to this and made me want to shake it like a polaroid pictureeeee without actually providing me with a polaroid picture to shake… Rude huh? Unfortunately, forking out upwards of £60 for a bulky Polaroid camera, which I would be too scared to use in case I broke it, has always seemed a bit indulgent for me. I’ve seen that a lot of bloggers have been working with a company called Printiki over the past few months. I jumped at the chance to get involved, especially with the added benefit of having seen everyone else’s gorgeous prints and reviews already… Read more..
Party Perfect Christmas Gifts from Veet and Scholl
Although this may seem a tad eager, would you believe it if I told you it’s only seven Mondays until Christmas!? So with that in mind, I’ve started to have a think about present ideas – both for myself and for others. For my best friends and my partner it’s a piece of cake. I’ve got this in the bag (or the stocking… which ever way you prefer). I know exactly what they like. However, I struggle to think of amazing gifts for the same group of people each and every single year. My parents, the in-laws and other extended friends and family. I want to put so much thought into each present, but when they’re picky about what they like it’s an impossible task. I can only buy so many framed photographs of myself before I begin to look conceited.
A few weeks ago I was contacted by a PR company who had some interesting Christmas gifts from Veet and Scholl which they wanted me to review. Naturally I jumped at the opportunity! Side note – I am totally and completely honoured to have received this opportunity by such renowned and established brands. This is a very proud moment for yours truly.
Autumn Wishlist 2016
It’s October! & do you know what that means? Clothes glorious clothes! Autumn/Winter fashion is my absolute favourite because I love the versatility and the layers upon layers which you can play with. I’ve decided to compile an Autumn Wishlist for 2016 in order to share with you all what I’m eyeing up this season. I maaaay have already caved and bought a few pieces, the temptation just became too much!
Gerard Cosmetics lipstick review: tequila sunrise and rodeo drive
I’m having a pretty rough week due to a sudden attack of illness. I’ve been saving this post for a week just like this, at a time where I’m feeling down and want to make myself and the world more beautiful. I’m really excited to talk to you guys about Gerard Cosmetics lipstick, specifically the two which I bought; Rodeo Drive and Tequila Sunrise. I’ve heard fantastic things over the last few months about this brand so I couldn’t resist having a sneaky peak. Having already tried Gerard Cosmetics Slay All Day setting spray, I knew that the quality is fantastic. Looking at their lipstick range I was so enticed by the gorgeous gold packaging that I couldn’t resist!!! But I’m getting ahead of myself…
I Graduated from The University of Lincoln class of 2016
If you follow me on social media then I’m sorry because you’re going to have to hear it again… I GRADUATED! I can’t believe how fast the last three years have flown by. Throughout the stress and the partying that is University, I had somehow completely forgotten that there would be a degree and a graduation ceremony at the end of it all. How funny is that? I can now say that it was honestly one of the best days of my life. After three years of hard work I could celebrate with the people I care for most and look forward to a hopefully prosperous future.
JOICO K-Pak Hair Treatment for Damaged Hair
As I’m sure most of you either know or can imagine, my hair is not in the best shape. Since starting University in 2013, my hair dresser appointments have become more than a little sporadic. The benefit of this is that my hair has grown about a foot, the downside is of course the split ends. Adding to that, over the past year I have gone from natural looking highlights to all over bleach and silver hair dye every 6-8 weeks. Ouch. In other words, it isn’t a surprise when I find my hair snapping and falling off in my lap – the price of beauty is steep! When I was contacted by Brooke at AJC consultants about the JOICO K-Pak hair treatment range, I jumped at the opportunity to try it out.
Tanya Burr Cosmetics Soft Luxe Lip Gloss Collection
Happy hump day everyone! I hope you’re all enjoying this heatwave, unless you’re stuck at work like me… Booooooo! I’m not going to lie to you all; I did mainly purchase these lip glosses purely for the Tanya Burr name, but I don’t regret a thing. My Tanya Burr lip gloss journey began a few weeks ago when I noticed a tweet about her upcoming Luxe range and the release date. I thought to myself “for once, I will actually be organised and grab something on the release date.” I set a reminder on my phone and went on my jolly way.
A couple of weeks later I’d COMPLETELY forgotten about the whole thing when my phone buzzed. I have never raced to the Feel Unique site so fast in all my life! Once there I was totally overwhelmed with the choices and the gorgeous shades. One thing led to another and… I bought all three. (Being indecisive with a time limit is a fatal combination). A few days of nail biting went by and ta-daaaaaaah.
Coconut Lane Haul with an Exclusive 20% Discount
Hi everyone! I’ve been really excited to click “publish” on this post as I’m so in love with this brand! I was recently contacted by the lovely people at Coconut Lane who have offered me an amazing opportunity…. I am now a #CoconutQueen !!! Exciting times! So what does this mean exactly? Well, I have been given my very own unique code which I can give to all my lovely followers: jadeimogen20 which you type in at the checkout to get your whopping 20% off…. YAY!
Clean your Makeup Brushes with the Real Techniques Brush Cleansing Palette
Hi everyone! I hope the start of the week is treating you nicely. As for me, it’s been a lovely relaxed weekend of casual drinking, playing games and watching lots of films with friends and the boyfriend. I really am enjoying being home so much at the moment! I’m making extra effort to make time for my friends now I’m home and I’m so glad, I’ve missed everyone beyond belief.
Today I want to share with you a secret which I have been DYING to let loose… Well… It’s not that much of a secret, I’ve already blabbed about it to countless people because I just couldn’t believe the results. So be prepared for a lot of gushing in this upcoming post because this is my favourite purchase of the month!!

Real Techniques, Brush Cleansing Palette
This product is by Real Techniques and is called the Brush Cleansing Palette. I bought this simply because I was absolutely SICK of scrubbing my brushes against my hand and it taking me at least 30 minutes to clean them – it’s hardly motivating and quite frankly puts me off cleaning them altogether.
So one day a few weeks ago, after labouring once again over my brushes, I thought enough is enough and I typed “Brush Cleaner” into Google and BEHOLD I landed on makeupbrushes.co.uk which offered me the product at a discount price and for free 1st class postage. For once in my life I didn’t even hesitate to check out the reviews, I just whizzed through the checkout and crossed my fingers.

*Swooooon* It’s so pretty in pink!
Because I checked out in such a hurry, I hadn’t even noticed that you receive a free trial of the brush cleansing gel, so that was a big bonus for me as I usually just use hand soap or fairy liquid… I’m not exactly a makeup pro quite yet I guess.

I found that this gel went a long way! Only half a sachet managed to do all my brushes, so this is a product I will definitely be investing in separately!

The multi-textured surface is designed to gently work between the bristles for enhanced cleaning. It’s ideal for both large powder brushes and tiny liner brushes!!! Score!
Something really HANDY (I know, my humour is amazing terrible) about this product is the amazing handle and the flexible palette design.

Please excuse my gross thumb nail – for some reason that one always snaps…
It fit like a glove and allowed full movement whilst cleaning. It’s also incredibly light so at times I completely forgot I was wearing it at all! As you can see in the photo, the palette is perfectly sized to your hand, and this was something I wasn’t expecting as my hands are exceptionally small, and this means that you are in full control of the palette, which is really important once it’s holding mucky water and your beloved makeup brushes.


These two were particularly disgusting. I didn’t hold out much hope for the beauty blender, but I’ll get onto that later 😉
Step one: Fill your cleansing palette with some lukewarm water. Don’t fill it to the brim, just enough to spread across the whole palette. If you overfill the palette it becomes very heavy, and you can damage your brush by exposing the roots to water as it will loosen the bristles and destroy it completely!!
Step two: Apply a small amount of the cleansing gel to your brush. Alternatively, you can use hand soap or fairy liquid as I’ve said earlier – if you have sensitive skin though, it’s probably safest to stick to what you’re comfortable with.
Step three: Swirl your makeup brush back and forth over the textured surface of the palette. As you can see in the image below, I’ve only used the smallest amount of water and look at all that dirt!! It was so satisfying to watch all of this come out. When the water gets quite murky, pour down the drain and refill with some clean water.
Step four: Repeat until clean. Keep swirling and draining until the water comes out completely clean and without suds. For this particularly gross brush it only took roughly 2-3 minutes which is AMAZING. It used to take me at least 10 before!

How satisfying is that?! Ahhhh.
Step five: Leave to dry. The handy shape of this palette means that you can leave all your brushes to dry on the edge of the sink, inside the palette. As it is a rubbery material I found that it didn’t slip into the sink but stayed put until morning!
***VERY IMPORTANT*** Do not put your brushes bristle-up when drying. The water will travel down the inside of the brush and loosen the bristles, which will ruin the brush completely. So many times have I done this and little hairs come off on my face when applying my makeup. Don’t make that mistake!

So pretty and clean!

It’s a miracle!! All of this was done in roughly 15 minutes!
A BEAUTY BLENDER WORD OF CAUTION: As you can see, it cleaned my beauty blender to the point of removing long term stains, which was amazing. However, I got a bit cleanser happy during the process and forgot about the slightly sharper textured area in the middle of the palette, which lead to slight damage of the beauty blender, which you may or may not be able to notice in the images. I’m sure most of you clever lot will figure that one out for yourself, but don’t get too excited and lost in the moment like I did – stay away from the middle section with your beauty blender!
As I’ve said, I purchased this brush cleanser from makeupbrushes.co.uk and following this link, there is a current promotion on which saves you £1.49. At RRP: £12.99 you can now purchase this item from the site at £11.50 with free 1st class postage!!! To me that is an absolute bargain, and you really can’t put a price on happiness, or on beautifully clean makeup brushes!!
Overall I would rate this item as 10/10 for affordability, the look, and for its easy-to-use and highly effective function. I am one happy lady, with beautiful makeup brushes!
If you’re interested in reading another beauty-related post, how about you check out my Everyday Makeup Essentials post, where you can find out which products I rely on for my daily look!
I really hope you’ve enjoyed reading this post and that I have at least shown you how easy it can be to clean your makeup brushes, and hopefully you’ll find this product as fun and easy to use as I do! Have you got any other brush cleaning tips? Have you tried this product and have something to say? Please let me know what you think in the comments below!
Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to follow me on my other social media accounts, and feel free to comment below or message me for a chat – I’d love to talk to you.
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I’ve Finished my Degree… Now What?
Why hello there! So many things have changed in the last few
weeks, my head is spinning! I had my last assignment deadlines and my last ever exam as a student, I left my job in retail, started a full time job in administration, I moved out of my student house and said goodbye to my friends who I have lived with for the past 2-3 years and moved home with my whole life packed into boxes. Phew. So what now? In this post I’ll be looking back and discussing my amazing last few years at University, but also looking forward and getting exciting about my short & long term plans for the future… Exciting!!!
What I’ll miss about University
- I’m going to miss Lincoln as a city more than words can say. It’s been my home for the last few years and I’ve become so familiar and attached to it! It’s not altogether different from Cambridge which was attractive to me when I chose University of Lincoln but it’s so different at the same time. Like Cambridge, it’s full of quirky and eccentric characters, and I’ll miss having a giggle at some of the sites I was subjected to when walking down the high street. I’ll miss the touristy areas of Lincoln such as the castle and the cathedral, I absolutely love cities like Lincoln which are rife with history and culture. I’ll definitely miss the wide choice of food available to me on the Brayford, which was home to so many different restaurants, there’s literally something for everyone and every appetite there and I took that for granted definitely.
- The partying is going to be hard missed for sure. Having the ability to go out any day of the week and take full advantage of all the student promo offers was amazing. One particular night I will miss is Skint Tuesdays. Drinks were £1 each, the music was always amazing, themed nights, a non strict dress code and an awesome crowd! What’s not to miss there?! Some of my best nights out were definitely at Skint and I miss it already. I definitely took for granted the short walk into town on every night out – now it’ll be train journeys and expensive taxi’s home… *sarcastic woo*.
- I’m going to sound like such a nerd here, but I’m genuinely going to miss the lessons! I love the academic environment and the vibe of a seminar room. Of course this rule doesn’t apply to ALL lessons, there were some which I would have much preferred to sleep through,
and often did, but on the whole I loved soaking up the tutor’s knowledge like a sponge. - One thing which I have started to miss already is my independence. Living so close to everything I very rarely relied on lifts or public transport to get me from A to B, but now I’m home I have to either catch a ride or take the train and walk a mile just to get to work. Weirdly, I miss doing my own laundry and planning and cooking my own meals… Weird right? I’m doing as much of this as I can at home but there are certain limitations like over complicating the food shop and wasting money by separating my laundry from my family’s. I’m just going to miss feeling like more of an adult I suppose.
- MY FRIENDS. Waaaaah this is a big one! We have our fall outs but I loved my little family oh so much. Having a crappy day and knowing I would come home to cuddles, Game of Thrones or a movie night was definitely a huge security blanket for me, and one I’m going to miss immeasurably. By third year, I had made such a huge bond with Katie, Tom and Dan and I now consider them to be some of my absolute closest friends. Luckily, Dan only lives about 20 minutes up the road and so meeting up with him will be fairly easy, but Katie and Tom live a good 2 hours away :'( We’re definitely going to make time for each other though,we chat on Facebook messenger at least once a day but I can’t handle being away from that lot!!

These guys have been my rock at University and it breaks my heart knowing how many miles they are away from me now </3
What I won’t miss about University
- My stress levels have definitely dropped by at least half in the last few weeks since completing my degree. Obviously stress is natural and I’m sure I haven’t escaped it completely, but WOW they really don’t prepare you for the quantity of work you will be doing, the close deadlines and just how tricky the work is. I’ll definitely miss my library sessions because we made them fun and I always looked forward to them – but the lack of sleep and the amount of work it took to put into a good essay by third year was just so much stress by the end of it, so it’s nice to take a break from that for a while.
- Although I enjoyed being given the opportunity to read such a variety of books, and to analyse them through certain lenses, I WILL NOT miss having to read constantly. On so many occasions in the last few years have I found myself at 4am waking up with a start, dribbling on a book which I had to finish for the next day with 100 pages left to go. Some of you are probably thinking “Well, you should have organised your time a little better” but I can’t explain how difficult it was to juggle everything. I had to find time to read at least 3 texts a week in between attending University, typing up my notes, going to work and you know, enjoying my life? Some of these texts at 100 pages were a breeze – it was the big bulky 500 page ones which screwed me up completely. I tried my best but I have no idea how someone could read EVERYTHING on the course… Unless they didn’t have a life?
- One amazing feeling coming home was banishing the distance from my friends back home, my family and Dan. I am now a 2 minute walk from Jess’ house and a 15 minute walk from Dan’s, and of course I’m under the same roof as my family! No more emotional Skype calls, home sickness and Dan no longer has to travel 80+ miles to see me for 24 hours at the weekend. This is a big one for me. Although mine and Dan’s relationship began at University, so the distance was all we ever knew, it’s so nice to know that he’s only around the corner at any given time!
- I WILL NOT miss being in my overdraft!!! I was quite good with my finances at University roughly 90% of the time, but when things were tight and I slipped into my overdraft it was the most horrible feeling in the world! I never ever went near my £500 overdraft limit because of the way it made me feel. I worked two jobs every time I came home just to scramble my way out of it, and of course I worked in retail throughout my whole time at University. The student loans really screw over those who come under the “middle bracket”. Grrrrr. I could go into a rant here but I’ll resist.
- One thing I am glad to see the back of is the drama and the arguments which happened at University. So you’d think that childish pettiness and bitchiness would have ended at secondary school right? WRONG. In my final year there were horrible incidents with individuals which made me feel so alienated I felt like I couldn’t speak in my own house, in fear that I’d say something and it would be taken in the wrong way, twisted, and it would be spread around that I was this awful person… Yep, this is how bad it got. Now, I don’t care what simple minded people think of me, but false accusations were flying around on social media (not small accusations either), I just lost it. That sort of petty drama could have had a SERIOUS effect on my career prospects, but luckily people knew they were false and ridiculous and were therefore invalid. One thing University has taught me is that some people out there are just nasty, and the healthiest thing to do is to cut them out of your life as soon as you possibly can. Maybe it’s because I took a gap year before University, but the immaturity of some people was baffling!!!

This isn’t even a dent in a years worth of reading for an English Literature student, or even a term!! Although I’m so happy to have read such a variety of texts, I’ll be glad to be able to actually ENJOY a book now.
So now I have found myself in this strange transitioning period. From Saturday – Tuesday I went from being a student and having zero routine to working 9-5.30 Monday to Friday and having the weekends to myself. It’s a very strange, sad, yet wonderful feeling! I’m so proud of what I’ve managed to accomplish in my time at University – both academically and socially. I have made so many bonds with countless people and really proved my talents both to myself and to those around me.
So what are my plans for the future?
- Take driving lessons and pass my test. I have been reliant on other people driving me about for far too long now, and after coming home I’m already craving some independence, so this is how I aim to get it!
- Start saving. I am now earning enough to live comfortably AND start saving. What a wonderful time to be alive! My main two things to save for are holidays and for a future house deposit, but I’ve also wanted an iPad for quite a while, I need a new camera etc… So I aim to put roughly half of my wages away a month.
- Blogging. Now I’m free and my routine is being slowly established I will be blogging regularly now, rather than as and when I could squeeze it in! Until I get some decent lighting, I intend to take all my blog photos at the weekend and take a couple evenings of the weekdays to type up two blog posts a week. I’d like to post three a week ideally but we’ll see how easily my time spreads.
- Search for a career. This is in the next few years or so as I’m in a secure well paying job at the moment, so there’s no particular rush. I have a few ideas floating around in my head *Top Secret* but I want to take my time and make sure I end up doing something I love for a living – there’s nothing worse than having to rely on that Friday feeling every week.
- Decorating. Now I’ve come home, I’ve found that my room hasn’t really changed in the last four years in terms of style, and I desperately need to make this room more homey. I’m looking for pastel shades with a bit of marble & monochrome!
- Taking up hobbies. One thing I don’t want to happen is for me to get too comfortable in this 9-5.30 routine and to forget the things I enjoy. So I need to find a reasonably priced gym to go to and potentially a gym buddy but I’m quite happy to go on my own. I also want to start back up with dancing and to ensure that I carry on reading.

I am absolutely LOVING The Girl on the Train!!! I’m only 150 pages through so far but omg… Please can someone else who is reading it get in touch – I need someone to discuss theories with!!
As you can probably tell, my emotions towards leaving University are all over the place. But at the end of the day, I don’t regret a single thing about the past three years – University was honestly THE BEST decision I have ever made! I’ve learned and matured so much, it’s unbelievable. Most importantly, I have made the most wonderful friends who have given me fantastic, unforgettable memories which I will treasure for the rest of my life.
If you want to read more about my University experience, you can read my post “Seven Things I Have Gained Through University” – it goes into a bit more detail about what things I have taken away from this wonderful experience!
I hope you have enjoyed this post – I’m sorry that it’s a tad bit long, I just had so much to say! Were you a student at University? Did you feel any differently when you left? Please comment below, I’d love to hear from you.
Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to follow me on my other social media accounts, and feel free to comment below or message me for a chat – I’d love to talk to you.
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