Interviews are terrifying, there is no denying that simple fact. There is, however, a way to overcome the fear, and that is preparation! Once you have fully prepared yourself for how your interview will play out, it will seem a lot less intimidating. Having been recently reminded of the scary interview process, I have decided to share with you all my top ten interview tips. That way you will all hopefully be more relaxed and confident, leaving room for your lovely personalities to shine through. Keep reading to find out how I tackled my interview nerves, which ultimately got me my new job! Read more..
New Year Giveaway
Happy New Year! What better way to kick it off than with a sparkly New Year giveaway?! In December I hit an astonishing 2,000 followers on Twitter – how amazing is that?
To say a huge thank you to all my fantastic readers and supporters, I’m hosting a giveaway on Twitter to celebrate. Keep on reading to find out more…
Clinique Event at Brewin Dolphin Cambridge
I’ve admittedly never tried a single Clinique product before. I’m not all too sure why that is. I think I just had this strange unfounded impression that Clinique was mega-expensive and branded for Mums/Grandmas. I’m now kicking myself for such ignorance after the amazing Clinique event at Brewin Dolphin in Cambridge a few weeks ago. On this glorious Christmas eve, get cosy and settle into my exclusive re-enactment of the event. I’ll also be (as always) revealing the VERY generous Clinique goodie bag. It’s definitely one of the most generous goodie bags I’ve ever received!!
My Top Five Favourite Festive Lipsticks
‘Tis the season to be jolly and of course to look absolutely fabulous. We all have our absolute favourite lipsticks, but some are always placed at the top of the heap, reserved for this festive time of year. I definitely use Christmas as a fantastic excuse to crack out my boldest colours; the perfect red and the deeper, scarier shades which I’m not confident enough to wear any other time of year. Today I’ll be revealing my top five favourite festive lipsticks and why I love them so much more during the mooost wonderful tiiiiime of the yeaaaaar.
Winter at Rush Hair Salon in Cambridge
A little while ago I received the loveliest surprise email in my inbox. It was an invitation to attend a blogging event to celebrate the first birthday of Rush Hair salon in Cambridge. Having been at University for the last few years I hadn’t yet had the pleasure of visiting Rush Hair, but I’m well aware of their amazing reputation nonetheless. I was beyond excited to attend this meet up, in fact I couldn’t send my acceptance response quick enough! I think I was so worried I’d been invited by mistake I thought if I dashed in their quickly they would feel too awkward to un-invite me!! Of course that wasn’t the case but it’s so new to me to be invited to wonderful things like this. In this post I’ll be talking about the wonderful event at Rush Hair salon. I’ll also be giving you all an exclusive peak into the Rush Hair goodie bag, the goodie bag I almost forgot… More on that later.
Party Perfect Christmas Gifts from Veet and Scholl
Although this may seem a tad eager, would you believe it if I told you it’s only seven Mondays until Christmas!? So with that in mind, I’ve started to have a think about present ideas – both for myself and for others. For my best friends and my partner it’s a piece of cake. I’ve got this in the bag (or the stocking… which ever way you prefer). I know exactly what they like. However, I struggle to think of amazing gifts for the same group of people each and every single year. My parents, the in-laws and other extended friends and family. I want to put so much thought into each present, but when they’re picky about what they like it’s an impossible task. I can only buy so many framed photographs of myself before I begin to look conceited.
A few weeks ago I was contacted by a PR company who had some interesting Christmas gifts from Veet and Scholl which they wanted me to review. Naturally I jumped at the opportunity! Side note – I am totally and completely honoured to have received this opportunity by such renowned and established brands. This is a very proud moment for yours truly.
What’s in my Girl Gang goody bag?
I’m so lucky to be able to write this post! On 25 August the amazing Jemma hosted a blogging event at a gorgeous bar called “Dive NQ” in Manchester. The day was so perfect. I would love to spend this whole post raving all about it but unfortunately I have no photos! As some of you might know I’m more than a little shy when I meet new people. I went to The Girl Gang event with every intention of forcing myself to take photos and be bold! I chatted away with so many people but I was just too nervous to ask for selfies or to crack my phone out. Next time!!! Now I’ve met these beautiful people in the flesh once, I’ll definitely be a total camera whore next time. Sorry not sorry. In this post I’ll be talking about the wonderful things which Jemma kindly used to fill my beautiful, pink Girl Gang goody bag.
Tanya Burr Cosmetics Soft Luxe Lip Gloss Collection
Happy hump day everyone! I hope you’re all enjoying this heatwave, unless you’re stuck at work like me… Booooooo! I’m not going to lie to you all; I did mainly purchase these lip glosses purely for the Tanya Burr name, but I don’t regret a thing. My Tanya Burr lip gloss journey began a few weeks ago when I noticed a tweet about her upcoming Luxe range and the release date. I thought to myself “for once, I will actually be organised and grab something on the release date.” I set a reminder on my phone and went on my jolly way.
A couple of weeks later I’d COMPLETELY forgotten about the whole thing when my phone buzzed. I have never raced to the Feel Unique site so fast in all my life! Once there I was totally overwhelmed with the choices and the gorgeous shades. One thing led to another and… I bought all three. (Being indecisive with a time limit is a fatal combination). A few days of nail biting went by and ta-daaaaaaah.
Threads False Lashes: Red Cherri & Charleston
I have been absolutely DYING to talk to you guys about this amazing brand for weeks now, I just can’t wait to get started! When I was first contacted about receiving this product in exchange for posting a review on my blog, I was super excited as I have never received anything like this (I am only a baby blogger after all).
Having said that, I did feel the pressure a little bit. Although I do love me some false eyelashes, I am in no way shape or form an expert. I stick to the one drug store brand that I have tried, simply because it’s cheap and cheerful and it’s always fit the bill for me. I can honestly say that I am now a changed woman after trying Threads false lashes. Yes, I do realise how cheesy that sounds, but my eyes have honestly been opened (excuse the pun) to the world of false eyelashes! There’s no turning back now…
In this post I will be telling you all about the brand THREADS & I will provide a short how-to to help you all master your false lashes once and for all. I will also be talking about these lashes and how I will choose to wear them! Read more..
Clean your Makeup Brushes with the Real Techniques Brush Cleansing Palette
Hi everyone! I hope the start of the week is treating you nicely. As for me, it’s been a lovely relaxed weekend of casual drinking, playing games and watching lots of films with friends and the boyfriend. I really am enjoying being home so much at the moment! I’m making extra effort to make time for my friends now I’m home and I’m so glad, I’ve missed everyone beyond belief.
Today I want to share with you a secret which I have been DYING to let loose… Well… It’s not that much of a secret, I’ve already blabbed about it to countless people because I just couldn’t believe the results. So be prepared for a lot of gushing in this upcoming post because this is my favourite purchase of the month!!

Real Techniques, Brush Cleansing Palette
This product is by Real Techniques and is called the Brush Cleansing Palette. I bought this simply because I was absolutely SICK of scrubbing my brushes against my hand and it taking me at least 30 minutes to clean them – it’s hardly motivating and quite frankly puts me off cleaning them altogether.
So one day a few weeks ago, after labouring once again over my brushes, I thought enough is enough and I typed “Brush Cleaner” into Google and BEHOLD I landed on which offered me the product at a discount price and for free 1st class postage. For once in my life I didn’t even hesitate to check out the reviews, I just whizzed through the checkout and crossed my fingers.

*Swooooon* It’s so pretty in pink!
Because I checked out in such a hurry, I hadn’t even noticed that you receive a free trial of the brush cleansing gel, so that was a big bonus for me as I usually just use hand soap or fairy liquid… I’m not exactly a makeup pro quite yet I guess.

I found that this gel went a long way! Only half a sachet managed to do all my brushes, so this is a product I will definitely be investing in separately!

The multi-textured surface is designed to gently work between the bristles for enhanced cleaning. It’s ideal for both large powder brushes and tiny liner brushes!!! Score!
Something really HANDY (I know, my humour is amazing terrible) about this product is the amazing handle and the flexible palette design.

Please excuse my gross thumb nail – for some reason that one always snaps…
It fit like a glove and allowed full movement whilst cleaning. It’s also incredibly light so at times I completely forgot I was wearing it at all! As you can see in the photo, the palette is perfectly sized to your hand, and this was something I wasn’t expecting as my hands are exceptionally small, and this means that you are in full control of the palette, which is really important once it’s holding mucky water and your beloved makeup brushes.


These two were particularly disgusting. I didn’t hold out much hope for the beauty blender, but I’ll get onto that later 😉
Step one: Fill your cleansing palette with some lukewarm water. Don’t fill it to the brim, just enough to spread across the whole palette. If you overfill the palette it becomes very heavy, and you can damage your brush by exposing the roots to water as it will loosen the bristles and destroy it completely!!
Step two: Apply a small amount of the cleansing gel to your brush. Alternatively, you can use hand soap or fairy liquid as I’ve said earlier – if you have sensitive skin though, it’s probably safest to stick to what you’re comfortable with.
Step three: Swirl your makeup brush back and forth over the textured surface of the palette. As you can see in the image below, I’ve only used the smallest amount of water and look at all that dirt!! It was so satisfying to watch all of this come out. When the water gets quite murky, pour down the drain and refill with some clean water.
Step four: Repeat until clean. Keep swirling and draining until the water comes out completely clean and without suds. For this particularly gross brush it only took roughly 2-3 minutes which is AMAZING. It used to take me at least 10 before!

How satisfying is that?! Ahhhh.
Step five: Leave to dry. The handy shape of this palette means that you can leave all your brushes to dry on the edge of the sink, inside the palette. As it is a rubbery material I found that it didn’t slip into the sink but stayed put until morning!
***VERY IMPORTANT*** Do not put your brushes bristle-up when drying. The water will travel down the inside of the brush and loosen the bristles, which will ruin the brush completely. So many times have I done this and little hairs come off on my face when applying my makeup. Don’t make that mistake!

So pretty and clean!

It’s a miracle!! All of this was done in roughly 15 minutes!
A BEAUTY BLENDER WORD OF CAUTION: As you can see, it cleaned my beauty blender to the point of removing long term stains, which was amazing. However, I got a bit cleanser happy during the process and forgot about the slightly sharper textured area in the middle of the palette, which lead to slight damage of the beauty blender, which you may or may not be able to notice in the images. I’m sure most of you clever lot will figure that one out for yourself, but don’t get too excited and lost in the moment like I did – stay away from the middle section with your beauty blender!
As I’ve said, I purchased this brush cleanser from and following this link, there is a current promotion on which saves you £1.49. At RRP: £12.99 you can now purchase this item from the site at £11.50 with free 1st class postage!!! To me that is an absolute bargain, and you really can’t put a price on happiness, or on beautifully clean makeup brushes!!
Overall I would rate this item as 10/10 for affordability, the look, and for its easy-to-use and highly effective function. I am one happy lady, with beautiful makeup brushes!
If you’re interested in reading another beauty-related post, how about you check out my Everyday Makeup Essentials post, where you can find out which products I rely on for my daily look!
I really hope you’ve enjoyed reading this post and that I have at least shown you how easy it can be to clean your makeup brushes, and hopefully you’ll find this product as fun and easy to use as I do! Have you got any other brush cleaning tips? Have you tried this product and have something to say? Please let me know what you think in the comments below!
Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to follow me on my other social media accounts, and feel free to comment below or message me for a chat – I’d love to talk to you.
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