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Posted on 8th April 2016

Primark Home Bargains

Happy Friday everyone!

I was sitting in my room this morning admiring my new bargain purchases and I thought I should share these little goodies with you! After my last two more serious posts [which you can find here and here] a post about decor seemed fitting. And besides, Primark are seriously on it this spring with their home section.

My house mate and best friend Katie went in there the other day and told me that there were a lot of new monochrome bits and items featuring elephants… SOLD!! I was there like a flash, ransacking the shelves, unable to see where I was going because my items were piled up past my eyes. I am a rational woman, but I have my vices. Monochrome and elephants just happen to be two of these – oops.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

My little goodies, in all their monochrome glory.

When I return home from University, I’ll be redecorating my room for the first time in about five years. As we rent our home, I won’t have complete freedom but I can make the best with decor and I am so excited to make my room a home! For so long I’ve felt like a visitor at home, as all my efforts have gone into decorating my University room, all the while neglecting what should be my home.

I’ll give you a little break down below of each item, why I love it and how much it cost – you will be amazed – even for Primark it’s a bloody good deal!


Jacquard Square Cushion in Black and White – £7

I was split between buying this cushion and one with an elephant logo [I may have a slight obsession] but this one captured my heart as it was the perfect size and struck me as such a gorgeous statement cushion. I love the pattern and texture of it, yet it is soft and cuddly [yes I tested it’s cuddleability in the shop – haters gonna hate]. I have fallen asleep twice with this wonderful cushion today – I foresee a wonderful affair.


SS16 Milk Bottle “100% Thirsty” – £3

I’ve had my eye out for a cute little cup like this for a couple of weeks now, as when my parents came up to University to drop me off after Easter, my younger sister nabbed mine… I could hardly say no to that cute little face. I wouldn’t have minded but I relied on that cup for pre-drinks! I don’t trust myself to hold a normal cup like a big girl after one drink. I’ve particularly liked the milk bottle shaped cups for a while, and this gave me the perfect excuse. I love the cheeky little pun written on the bottle and once again, the monochrome sealed the deal for me. My favourite part for me however was the rose gold lid – I think this is absolutely gorgeous and makes the whole thing stand out! And for only £3, I just had to get it.


Zebra MDF Plaque – £1.50

God knows why it’s coming up on my receipt as a zebra plaque… It is clearly a beautiful ELEPHANT!  I love elephants because they’re so powerful and majestic, yes such peaceful creatures. I also love the “elephants never forget” idea, whether it actually has any truth behind it I don’t know. For obvious reasons I love this piece – and it’s only £1.50!!! I blame Katie for my strange new obsession with plaques, but I forgive her because this is now hanging proudly on my bedroom door and I just love looking at it!!


Be Awesome Glass Plaque – £4

Although one of my more pricey items, it’s still such an amazing steal! I’m really into motivational quotes and I love the positivity which they portray and evoke! In an ideal world I’d be surrounded my quotes like this at all times but unfortunately that’s not possible – I’m happy to pay such a small price to have them hanging all over my room though! The item itself looks to be worth much much more than £4 which is also a huge bonus – it really is great value for money.


Printed Smile Plaque – £3

This is definitely one of my favourite purchases. I love its rustic feel with the straw-like string and the old and worn looking frame. The design makes it look like it has been hand stitched, like in the olden days – it has so much character! Once again I am a big fan of the motivational quote – you’re never truly dressed without a smile after all. I think when I return home I will proudly mount this above my desk to provide inspiration and to keep me motivated and positive!

That’s all my goodies on this occasion – I really did hold back! I could have easily doubled this list but I am tryyyying to be good with my money. Having said that I only spent £18.50 on this trip which definitely isn’t bad considering how much I managed to get! I would definitely check out Primark’s website if I were you – even if monochrome isn’t your thing [are you maaaad?] there are so many pretty bits and some gorgeous bedding sets to get your hands on this spring!

If you have any of your own home bargains which you would like to share with me, please comment!

Thank you so much for reading. Don’t forget to follow me on my other social media accounts. Links are posted in the sidebar.

Jade x

Posted on 7th April 2016

My Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: part two

Hello lovely people! This post is a continuation of my previous post on polycystic ovary syndrome, which you can find here. In this post I will talk about my medication, how my PCOS has effected me and how I keep control of the symptoms. I will add the same disclaimer to this post which I added on my last: please remember that every experience is different and if you have any concerns after reading this, ask your GP. I am not a doctor and I know through my own mistakes to never self-diagnose.

I finished my last post by sharing my moment of diagnosis, so I will continue where I left off and share my medication with you. When prescribing me with the contraceptive pill, the doctors had to be sure that I did not experience/ have a family history of migraines or blood clots, as this would be dangerous on the pill. It is also important to note that smoking does increase the risk of blood clots and other complications on the pill – I am silly enough to continue to do so but I plan on quitting within the next year.

As I am lucky to not have a family history of blood clots or experience regular migraines, I was placed on the 3 week contraceptive pill Rigevidon – which means that I take the pill for 3 weeks and on the fourth I don’t take the pill and I get a period. This is great because my periods have finally regulated – yaaay!!


Rigevidon 3 week contraceptive pill

Now, I know that this pill isn’t for everyone – some people gain a lot of weight, their skin breaks out, they start getting regular migraines [if this happens contact your GP]! Some people get really bad stomach cramps etc. Basically, this pill isn’t for everyone but I have been on it for roughly 3 years now and I’ve had no issues! From what I have gathered, this is the first pill which the doctors will prescribe on diagnosis.


The pill comes with this lovely discreet sleeve which makes it easier to carry around in your handbag.

So this pill has been an absolute god send. After the first few months of being on this pill I had to return to the hospital to have another ultrasound to check on the growth of my cysts – and Hurrah! They had significantly reduced in just a few months! Which was obviously a huuuuge relief!

A downside of the pill is that at first they will only release 3 months worth of pills in one appointment for the first year – and only 6 months worth following that. This means that every 6 months I have to go to the doctors to get a new bunch of pills! Although this is annoying, I think it is necessary because they take my blood pressure and my weight and let me know if I am on track and am keeping my lifestyle healthy!

One symptom which the pill hasn’t helped – for me – is the weight gain. One symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome is an increased level of testosterone hormone: which means hair growth and weight gain. Although the pill gives you oestrogen to balance this out, I have found that my weight is still quite difficult to budge – something very common for the contraceptive pill is weight gain.

When you have polycystic ovary syndrome, it is important to maintain a healthy weight [and I do mean a HEALTHY weight – not trying to get yourself as small as possible]. Due to the testosterone, that isn’t always easy [typical]. So when I gain weight, I find it near impossible to get it off! I am a pretty consistent weight at 10 stone, but I do sometimes reach 10 stone 7 and have to work my ass off to get it back down. According to my BMI [something which I don’t agree with because it doesn’t take into consideration muscle mass but that’s a rant for another day] I am only just a healthy weight…

BMI calculation

This calculator is available on the NHS website

I try to keep on top of my weight and fitness so I don’t spiral out of control – but at the same time I don’t want to give myself eating issues by obsessing over my food or my weight so I try not to lose sleep over it. In an ideal world I would like to be 8 stone 7 or 9 stone in order to be safely within the ‘healthy’ range but it is SO HARD to work it all off I’m telling you. I’ve been 10 stone for as long as I can remember and I can’t imagine it changing any time soon.

In order to stay on top of my weight I try to eat healthy fruit and vegetables as snacks and get in green tea when I can – I also avoid eating too much take away. I try to exercise as much as possible – I really enjoy the gym, yoga, dancing, and I try to enjoy running… It hasn’t been successful yet but hopefully one day!


My babies

If you would like to know more facts about PCOS please follow this link for official information from the NHS.

I hope this post has been informative and you have all learned a little something or have been able to relate to some of my experiences. Please spread the word so that others can find the medical help they need!

If you can think of any more tips and suggestions in reference to living with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, let me know in the comments! I am no doctor, and knowledge is power!

Thank you so much for reading. Don’t forget to follow me on my other social media accounts. Links are posted in the sidebar.

Jade x

Posted on 25th March 2016

Seven Things I Have Gained Through University


Handing in the all-important dissertation!

University has always been a goal for me, ever since I was little. This was partially due to hearing my Mum’s University lifestyle stories, but also due to my burning passion to learn.

However, on completely my A Levels, I had zero motivation to start looking for prospective Universities or to even consider picking up a novel, and I was in no place to rush such a huge decision. I chose to procrastinate and took a gap year, one of the best decisions I have ever made, because let’s face it – University is SUCH a big decision nowadays – we have extortionate tuition fees to thank for that! But I’d better move on before I get too heated on that subject…

In that year, I worked two jobs and spent lots of money on a holiday with my friends and many nights out enjoying my freedom as many 18-year-olds desire to do! I made some wonderful memories in that year. I spent quality time with my friends and family, and importantly it was also in my gap year that I first started to get close with my boyfriend, Dan <3

Here are a few photos of the great experiences I created with my friends in my gap year:

As you can see, no part of me regrets taking my gap year to sort my head out and to enjoy a little part of my early adulthood!

I am now in my third and final year at University of Lincoln, my dissertation is behind me, and there are just a few assignments and one exam between me and that graduation cap!


With the last few years of experience behind me, I thought now would be the perfect time to share with you why I am so glad to have taken the leap and to have gone to University.

So here are my 7 things I have gained through going to University

1. Life skills

This one seems pretty vague – but I shall elaborate. I never really thought about the details when I eventually did decide to go to University. I only thought of my education, the friends I was hoping to make and finding a place to work. But one VERY important thing I have learned is how to live independently and more importantly, how to take care of myself. Two years on and I am a fairly confident cook, and actually enjoy planning and preparing my evening meals. I look forward to laundry day, I separate my washes by colour, I can iron efficiently and have created a cleaning rota for my house mates… [I rule with an iron fist]. I’m actually kinda dreading going back home and having to work as a team to get these daily activities done.



2. A new-found respect for money

Wow… They weren’t kidding me when they talked and laughed about the poverty of students today. I’m in that rubbish middle bracket according to Student Finance, and therefore receive… well, not enough to cover rent. My family are unable to subsidise me through University [regardless of what Student Finance have concluded], which meant that I have had to work two jobs. I work at Tesco full time, transferring from my store at University to my store back home in the holidays. My second job is doing administration work in an office in Cambridge in the holidays. The lack of free time sucks, but it has got to be done in order to survive unfortunately. One good outcome however: I am SO much better with money than my three years younger self.


Ohhh… I wish Kimmy K </3


Although this seems like a given, I cannot believe how much I have learned over the past two years when I think about it. There are so many theories, theorists and novelists which have changed my life, and I may have never even encountered them were it not for this degree! An example? FEMINISM! I honestly did not know what feminism was before I came to University, though I have always believed in gender equality. It feels so great now to be able to say “I’m a feminist” and to share my beliefs and to have the knowledge and confidence to talk about big issues within society!



4. The love of my life

Coming to University forced Dan to make a decision as to where our relationship was going, and he drove the 90 miles to see me on my first weekend, which really proved to me his commitment. What can I say? We have been best friends for three years, dating for two. Long distance relationships can be hard, but we make it work. He is absolutely amaaazing. We squeeze in short phone calls throughout the week and he drives up to visit me each and every weekend [I’d hate to think what I owe him in petrol money]. Dan truly is my rock, I’d be totally lost without him.


5. Time management skills

I cannot stress this one enough! Before I came to University I was a very ‘last minute’ type of person. I skipped breakfast, I snoozed my alarm and I was always arriving to work two seconds before my shift started. Having four novels to read in a week, alongside socialising, 12+ hours at work and making time for friends and my boyfriend have taught me that I can no longer be that kind of person! Now I set an alarm thirty minutes before I actually have to get up [whether I actually wake up to it is another issue entirely].



6. The most amazing friends I could ask for

I have met some of the most amazing people at University, and have made friends for life in my house mates. In particular, Katie [my best friend], Tom and Dan. These guys are so incredible and I know that we will continue to meet up afer graduation. The thought of not living with them next year literally brings me to tears. In them I have found a real support system, and I will cherish their friendship forever!



7. The unforgettable memories

If there’s one thing I’ll definitely be taking with be after the last two years, it’s a wonderful set of invaluable memories which can never be replaced!



I hope you have enjoyed this post! Are you a student at University? Do you have any burning questions which are slowing your decision? Please comment below with your experiences of University!

Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to follow me on my other social media accounts! Links are posted in the sidebar!

Jade x

Posted on 23rd March 2016

Winging it…

I am finally doing it; I have created the Blog which for months and months I have been wanting to make.


There’s one thing you should know about me… I am really… really… REALLY good at putting off things which I long to do, I shall give you a few examples:

  1. Dying my hair white/silver – Being a natural blonde, this really shouldn’t have taken me THREE YEARS to do. I browsed Pinterest for what now seems like days on end, making boards of my favourite styles, reading reviews online of the best dyes and the do’s and don’ts for dying at home; yet I still put it off.
  2. Going to University – I love education. I love learning, I love reading, I love the classroom environment, I love what potential there is through education. Yet I still took a gap year, working two jobs with X amount of excuses as to why I shouldn’t go “right now”.
  3. Driving – I am twenty one years old, and I am only now contemplating taking my first driving lesson. My sister (who is five years younger than me) will probably be behind the wheel and on the road to independence long before me.
  4. Confronting my now-boyfriend about my feelings – It took me an entire year to finally come clean to my boyfriend that I had feelings for him, which meant that we only started dating when I moved to University, 80 miles from him. Although not the longest distance, it is almost laughable that back home we live less than a mile apart.

Phew… After writing all that down, I’m thinking: “It’s a miracle it only took me a year to make a Blog”.

But this issue of procrastination is one which I am trying to tackle, hence my name; “Wing it with Jade” (which also refers to my borderline addiction to winged eye liner). I’m trying to stop over-thinking things to the absolute extreme, when really I should be grabbing life by the horns and accepting all opportunities which are so readily available to me!!! In other words, I should be more like Monica at a party…


Through this Blog I’ll discuss hair, make up and fashion; how I wear it, reviews and do’s and don’ts. I’ll also discuss fitness as I am slowly learning to enjoy a healthy lifestyle – with the occasional binge of course. Anything else lifestyle related which interests me will be posted on here, be it book reviews,  personal life changing events, or advice based on my own experience. If there’s anything you guys would like to see from me, please comment or get in touch!! I’d love to hear your ideas!!

Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram!

Jade x

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