I’m having a pretty rough week due to a sudden attack of illness. I’ve been saving this post for a week just like this, at a time where I’m feeling down and want to make myself and the world more beautiful. I’m really excited to talk to you guys about Gerard Cosmetics lipstick, specifically the two which I bought; Rodeo Drive and Tequila Sunrise. I’ve heard fantastic things over the last few months about this brand so I couldn’t resist having a sneaky peak. Having already tried Gerard Cosmetics Slay All Day setting spray, I knew that the quality is fantastic. Looking at their lipstick range I was so enticed by the gorgeous gold packaging that I couldn’t resist!!! But I’m getting ahead of myself…
I Graduated from The University of Lincoln class of 2016
If you follow me on social media then I’m sorry because you’re going to have to hear it again… I GRADUATED! I can’t believe how fast the last three years have flown by. Throughout the stress and the partying that is University, I had somehow completely forgotten that there would be a degree and a graduation ceremony at the end of it all. How funny is that? I can now say that it was honestly one of the best days of my life. After three years of hard work I could celebrate with the people I care for most and look forward to a hopefully prosperous future.
JOICO K-Pak Hair Treatment for Damaged Hair
As I’m sure most of you either know or can imagine, my hair is not in the best shape. Since starting University in 2013, my hair dresser appointments have become more than a little sporadic. The benefit of this is that my hair has grown about a foot, the downside is of course the split ends. Adding to that, over the past year I have gone from natural looking highlights to all over bleach and silver hair dye every 6-8 weeks. Ouch. In other words, it isn’t a surprise when I find my hair snapping and falling off in my lap – the price of beauty is steep! When I was contacted by Brooke at AJC consultants about the JOICO K-Pak hair treatment range, I jumped at the opportunity to try it out.
What’s in my Girl Gang goody bag?
I’m so lucky to be able to write this post! On 25 August the amazing Jemma hosted a blogging event at a gorgeous bar called “Dive NQ” in Manchester. The day was so perfect. I would love to spend this whole post raving all about it but unfortunately I have no photos! As some of you might know I’m more than a little shy when I meet new people. I went to The Girl Gang event with every intention of forcing myself to take photos and be bold! I chatted away with so many people but I was just too nervous to ask for selfies or to crack my phone out. Next time!!! Now I’ve met these beautiful people in the flesh once, I’ll definitely be a total camera whore next time. Sorry not sorry. In this post I’ll be talking about the wonderful things which Jemma kindly used to fill my beautiful, pink Girl Gang goody bag.
Kylie Jenner Lip Kit of Kylie Cosmetics: Ginger
Forgive me bank account for I have sinned… Again. A few weeks ago Kylie Jenner announced the release of some new summer shades, so I thought to myself “ooh well I’ll just have a little look”. Roughly a month later and here I am. It’s becoming a bit of an old story now isn’t it? I’ll stop justifying my Kylie Cosmetics addiction soon I promise. The first step is admitting you have a problem, or so they say. In this new post I will be revealing the stunning new summer shade Ginger and comparing it to my other lip kits (trust me, you really don’t want to miss out on this one).
Tanya Burr Cosmetics Soft Luxe Lip Gloss Collection
Happy hump day everyone! I hope you’re all enjoying this heatwave, unless you’re stuck at work like me… Booooooo! I’m not going to lie to you all; I did mainly purchase these lip glosses purely for the Tanya Burr name, but I don’t regret a thing. My Tanya Burr lip gloss journey began a few weeks ago when I noticed a tweet about her upcoming Luxe range and the release date. I thought to myself “for once, I will actually be organised and grab something on the release date.” I set a reminder on my phone and went on my jolly way.
A couple of weeks later I’d COMPLETELY forgotten about the whole thing when my phone buzzed. I have never raced to the Feel Unique site so fast in all my life! Once there I was totally overwhelmed with the choices and the gorgeous shades. One thing led to another and… I bought all three. (Being indecisive with a time limit is a fatal combination). A few days of nail biting went by and ta-daaaaaaah.
Coconut Lane Haul with an Exclusive 20% Discount
Hi everyone! I’ve been really excited to click “publish” on this post as I’m so in love with this brand! I was recently contacted by the lovely people at Coconut Lane who have offered me an amazing opportunity…. I am now a #CoconutQueen !!! Exciting times! So what does this mean exactly? Well, I have been given my very own unique code which I can give to all my lovely followers: jadeimogen20 which you type in at the checkout to get your whopping 20% off…. YAY!
Threads False Lashes: Red Cherri & Charleston
I have been absolutely DYING to talk to you guys about this amazing brand for weeks now, I just can’t wait to get started! When I was first contacted about receiving this product in exchange for posting a review on my blog, I was super excited as I have never received anything like this (I am only a baby blogger after all).
Having said that, I did feel the pressure a little bit. Although I do love me some false eyelashes, I am in no way shape or form an expert. I stick to the one drug store brand that I have tried, simply because it’s cheap and cheerful and it’s always fit the bill for me. I can honestly say that I am now a changed woman after trying Threads false lashes. Yes, I do realise how cheesy that sounds, but my eyes have honestly been opened (excuse the pun) to the world of false eyelashes! There’s no turning back now…
In this post I will be telling you all about the brand THREADS & I will provide a short how-to to help you all master your false lashes once and for all. I will also be talking about these lashes and how I will choose to wear them! Read more..
BMI: it doesn’t work for everyone
Hey guys! In this post today I’m going to be talking about something very close to my heart.

Learn to love your body – ditch the scales
Weight has been an issue for me for a long time now, since I can remember pretty much, and for the longest time I’ve been insecure about it. This only got worse when I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (see my posts here and here for more on my experience with PCOS) monitoring my weight has become a part of my life, and regular weight checks at my nurse appointments have put me on edge and made me feel awful about myself. Recently I had a mini-revelation about BMI and it’s uselessness with my condition and I know that many others feel the same way!
What exactly is BMI?
BMI stands for Body Mass Index… but what does that even mean? Well by typing this question into google I was able to find the following answer from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention site:
“Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can be an indicator of high body fatness. BMI can be used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems but it is not diagnostic of the body fatness or health of an individual”
… Well that’s interesting… This reference would suggest that BMI isn’t reliable when calculating the health of an individual. Perhaps I’m the only one, but to me that came as a surprise seeing as my doctors seem to rely on it and that there is actually a BMI calculator on the NHS site, which will proceed to tell you if you are 1. Underweight 2. Healthy weight 3. Overweight. A link for this calculator is here but hold on before you type in your data and cry like I did at the results, because I’m about to tell you why you shouldn’t bother.

No matter how much I work out, the scales stay the same
As I’ve said, over the past few years I’ve done a fair amount of research on BMI and it seems that EVERYONE is asking why? EVERYONE agrees that it isn’t a useful tool for monitoring the health of an individual. For example, this was said by researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.
“BMI (body mass index), which is based on the height and weight of a person, is an inaccurate measure of body fat content and does not take into account muscle mass, bone density, overall body composition, and racial and sex differences”
So FINALLY someone with medical knowledge is backing up what everyone’s been thinking. At the end of the day, muscle weighs roughly 3 times more than fat, but BMI only takes into consideration your weight and height – which excludes important details such as the weight of your muscles, your bones, your natural body shape and other things which could effect your overall weight such as race and sex.
Now it’s getting personal…
So what’s my problem exactly? Why have I been so obsessed with BMI?
Well, as I mentioned at the beginning I was diagnosed with PCOS at 18 and at that time I was the smallest I’d ever been. I had a cyst on my left ovary the size of a golf ball (just imagine that in your head for a moment… A GOLF BALL?!) and as a result the pain had led to a complete loss of appetite. I fell out of love with food for the first, and hopefully the last, time of my life. My mum was really concerned about me but I couldn’t even force myself to eat… or sleep…. or just function as a normal human being. At this time I was roughly 8 stone 7lbs, the lightest I’ve ever been. When I was diagnosed I was weighed and my BMI was taken… Drum roll please…
Yep. On that day the doctor told me that I was the PERFECT WEIGHT and that with PCOS it is important to remain on the lower end of the scale in order to improve chances of fertility in later life so maybe I should consider losing a little bit more… Well my mum wasn’t happy with that I’ll tell you that much. She said something along the lines of “Look at her – this isn’t healthy! Don’t encourage my daughter to starve herself! She hasn’t been able to eat due to the pain!!!” Yes, the doctor was only doing her job but if she opened her eyes and took one look at me it would only take an educated guess to realise that she shouldn’t have told me to lose even more weight!
That was the day it began. Ever since then I have had to go to the doctors and be weighed every 6 months in order to pick up the pill, which I need to stop the cysts from growing. My weight now fluctuates between 9 stone 7lbs – 10 stone 7lbs (usually depending on my lifestyle), but I do live a healthy lifestyle on the whole. I absolutely dread my appointments because what do I get told?
And of course I get the TOTALLY offensive “Well… You don’t LOOK ten stone” immediately followed by advise to try to lose at least a stone, fantastic. It’s degrading, it’s emotionally traumatic, and what makes it worse: it’s completely pointless! I get myself so worked up over these appointments because even though I know it’s utter rubbish, a stranger still looks me in the eye and tells me to lose weight. It’s so wrong on so many levels GAH.

The scales have become my enemy
My alternative to BMI
My weight stays put at roughly ten stone for the majority of the time, regardless of what my body is actually looking like, so I have turned to a different method to maintain my health and that is by using body measurements.
For me, this method is SO much more accurate than BMI when I’m trying to lose a bit of fat or what have you because I’ve always been very muscly, particularly in my legs (I danced a lot from the age of 3 so my legs are firm as rocks!) and so it comes as no surprise that like many of us… I do have some muscle?! When I lose weight I do it through exercise, meaning that my fat turns into muscle. So whilst I reduce in mass, I stay the same in weight. Using a tape measure is honestly a game changer for me.

“You don’t LOOK ten stone!!” … Oh buzz off!
As an example: since coming home from University 3 weeks ago I have been eating healthier and tracking progress on the scales and it has come up at ten stone and seven pounds every single time. Out of curiosity I also measured my body and I have lost half an inch off my waist and half an inch off my hips!!!
That was sooooo amazing to see as I don’t usually see any progress being made at all! I honestly could have cried!
My advice to you
If I could recommend you all to do just one thing it would be to listen to your body. Don’t punish yourself for gaining a little, adjust your goals, forgive yourself and keep motivated. We’re all only human at the end of the day – we’re not perfect, and we would be boring if we were. Learn to embrace your insecurities and try something new if what used to make you feel good no longer does. I’m so happy to have ditched the scales and tried something which works far, far better for me. Equally, if the scales do work for you – then go crazy! What I’m trying to say is: don’t let numbers rule your life. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you don’t deserve to be happy. Life isn’t as easy as a scientific formula or a maths equation, so don’t treat yourself or your body like one. Look after yourself and be the best you you can be.
If you’re interested in reading more about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, check out my two-part post about it, here and here, where I go into much more detail about how it effects me both physically and psychologically.
*DISCLAIMER* Please remember that every experience is different and if you have any concerns after reading this, ask your GP. I am not a doctor and I know through my own mistakes to never self-diagnose.
I really hope you’ve learned something and maybe gained some self-confidence in reading this post! Do you have any opinions on BMI? Perhaps you have a medical background and have an explanation for it’s use? Please let me know what you think in the comments below!
Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to follow me on my other social media accounts, and feel free to comment below or message me for a chat – I’d love to talk to you.
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Clean your Makeup Brushes with the Real Techniques Brush Cleansing Palette
Hi everyone! I hope the start of the week is treating you nicely. As for me, it’s been a lovely relaxed weekend of casual drinking, playing games and watching lots of films with friends and the boyfriend. I really am enjoying being home so much at the moment! I’m making extra effort to make time for my friends now I’m home and I’m so glad, I’ve missed everyone beyond belief.
Today I want to share with you a secret which I have been DYING to let loose… Well… It’s not that much of a secret, I’ve already blabbed about it to countless people because I just couldn’t believe the results. So be prepared for a lot of gushing in this upcoming post because this is my favourite purchase of the month!!

Real Techniques, Brush Cleansing Palette
This product is by Real Techniques and is called the Brush Cleansing Palette. I bought this simply because I was absolutely SICK of scrubbing my brushes against my hand and it taking me at least 30 minutes to clean them – it’s hardly motivating and quite frankly puts me off cleaning them altogether.
So one day a few weeks ago, after labouring once again over my brushes, I thought enough is enough and I typed “Brush Cleaner” into Google and BEHOLD I landed on makeupbrushes.co.uk which offered me the product at a discount price and for free 1st class postage. For once in my life I didn’t even hesitate to check out the reviews, I just whizzed through the checkout and crossed my fingers.

*Swooooon* It’s so pretty in pink!
Because I checked out in such a hurry, I hadn’t even noticed that you receive a free trial of the brush cleansing gel, so that was a big bonus for me as I usually just use hand soap or fairy liquid… I’m not exactly a makeup pro quite yet I guess.

I found that this gel went a long way! Only half a sachet managed to do all my brushes, so this is a product I will definitely be investing in separately!

The multi-textured surface is designed to gently work between the bristles for enhanced cleaning. It’s ideal for both large powder brushes and tiny liner brushes!!! Score!
Something really HANDY (I know, my humour is amazing terrible) about this product is the amazing handle and the flexible palette design.

Please excuse my gross thumb nail – for some reason that one always snaps…
It fit like a glove and allowed full movement whilst cleaning. It’s also incredibly light so at times I completely forgot I was wearing it at all! As you can see in the photo, the palette is perfectly sized to your hand, and this was something I wasn’t expecting as my hands are exceptionally small, and this means that you are in full control of the palette, which is really important once it’s holding mucky water and your beloved makeup brushes.


These two were particularly disgusting. I didn’t hold out much hope for the beauty blender, but I’ll get onto that later 😉
Step one: Fill your cleansing palette with some lukewarm water. Don’t fill it to the brim, just enough to spread across the whole palette. If you overfill the palette it becomes very heavy, and you can damage your brush by exposing the roots to water as it will loosen the bristles and destroy it completely!!
Step two: Apply a small amount of the cleansing gel to your brush. Alternatively, you can use hand soap or fairy liquid as I’ve said earlier – if you have sensitive skin though, it’s probably safest to stick to what you’re comfortable with.
Step three: Swirl your makeup brush back and forth over the textured surface of the palette. As you can see in the image below, I’ve only used the smallest amount of water and look at all that dirt!! It was so satisfying to watch all of this come out. When the water gets quite murky, pour down the drain and refill with some clean water.
Step four: Repeat until clean. Keep swirling and draining until the water comes out completely clean and without suds. For this particularly gross brush it only took roughly 2-3 minutes which is AMAZING. It used to take me at least 10 before!

How satisfying is that?! Ahhhh.
Step five: Leave to dry. The handy shape of this palette means that you can leave all your brushes to dry on the edge of the sink, inside the palette. As it is a rubbery material I found that it didn’t slip into the sink but stayed put until morning!
***VERY IMPORTANT*** Do not put your brushes bristle-up when drying. The water will travel down the inside of the brush and loosen the bristles, which will ruin the brush completely. So many times have I done this and little hairs come off on my face when applying my makeup. Don’t make that mistake!

So pretty and clean!

It’s a miracle!! All of this was done in roughly 15 minutes!
A BEAUTY BLENDER WORD OF CAUTION: As you can see, it cleaned my beauty blender to the point of removing long term stains, which was amazing. However, I got a bit cleanser happy during the process and forgot about the slightly sharper textured area in the middle of the palette, which lead to slight damage of the beauty blender, which you may or may not be able to notice in the images. I’m sure most of you clever lot will figure that one out for yourself, but don’t get too excited and lost in the moment like I did – stay away from the middle section with your beauty blender!
As I’ve said, I purchased this brush cleanser from makeupbrushes.co.uk and following this link, there is a current promotion on which saves you £1.49. At RRP: £12.99 you can now purchase this item from the site at £11.50 with free 1st class postage!!! To me that is an absolute bargain, and you really can’t put a price on happiness, or on beautifully clean makeup brushes!!
Overall I would rate this item as 10/10 for affordability, the look, and for its easy-to-use and highly effective function. I am one happy lady, with beautiful makeup brushes!
If you’re interested in reading another beauty-related post, how about you check out my Everyday Makeup Essentials post, where you can find out which products I rely on for my daily look!
I really hope you’ve enjoyed reading this post and that I have at least shown you how easy it can be to clean your makeup brushes, and hopefully you’ll find this product as fun and easy to use as I do! Have you got any other brush cleaning tips? Have you tried this product and have something to say? Please let me know what you think in the comments below!
Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to follow me on my other social media accounts, and feel free to comment below or message me for a chat – I’d love to talk to you.
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