A little while ago I received the loveliest surprise email in my inbox. It was an invitation to attend a blogging event to celebrate the first birthday of Rush Hair salon in Cambridge. Having been at University for the last few years I hadn’t yet had the pleasure of visiting Rush Hair, but I’m well aware of their amazing reputation nonetheless. I was beyond excited to attend this meet up, in fact I couldn’t send my acceptance response quick enough! I think I was so worried I’d been invited by mistake I thought if I dashed in their quickly they would feel too awkward to un-invite me!! Of course that wasn’t the case but it’s so new to me to be invited to wonderful things like this. In this post I’ll be talking about the wonderful event at Rush Hair salon. I’ll also be giving you all an exclusive peak into the Rush Hair goodie bag, the goodie bag I almost forgot… More on that later.
Arriving at Rush Hair salon
For once I was the first to arrive, and it felt so good. Luckily, Rush Hair is only a 10-15 minute walk from my office (how convenient) so at half five I set on my merry way. For some reason I thought I was running late so I had Google Maps on the go, even though I knew exactly where it was, and had my little legs in overdrive. Ironically, I soon realised I was rushing to Rush…
When I walked into the warm salon it was so full of life! I introduced myself to one of the Rush Hair girls who apologised as they still had some clients on the go. To be honest I preferred it that way, it felt so natural as I walked in! There’s no way I would have wanted them to cut appointments short or rush them on my behalf.

Photo courtesy of Karen Harvey of www.idontlikepeas.co.uk
They took my coat, showed me to a seat, brought me a drink and some nibbles. It was seconds before another blogger came in, she sat next to me and we were chatting like old friends in no time. This lovely lady was Rosie from A Girl On A Journey and it was so nice to meet her in the flesh. Since I last saw her she has written an amazing post on this exact event, which you can find here.
Next thing I knew the entire room was buzzing with swarms of excited bloggers. The bubbles and canapés were flowing as freely as the conversation and it wasn’t long before I felt entirely at home within Rush Hair Salon.
Celebrating the First Birthday of Rush Hair Salon in Cambridge
The ever-so wonderful Gentiana Restelica, Salon Director and owner of Rush Hair in Cambridge, welcomed us all and thanked us for coming – Thank us? Thank YOU! We were encouraged to help ourselves to bubbles and food, all of which was beautifully prepared and presented.
Different sections of the hair salon were set up with labels such as “colour”, “cut”, “style” and “”braids”. My hair had only been coloured a few weeks before and cut just a week ago, so I had my heart set on styling or braiding, with no particular preference.
The delightful ladies of Rush Hair spoke to me about my hair, how I maintain the colour and the length. I was also given some indispensable tips on how to repair the damage bleach has caused over the past year (woops).
The Braiding Station
So at first I had zero preference between the styling and braiding stations. That was until I started to see the beautiful, unique braids being created.
One of the Rush Hair girls working on the braiding station grabbed me and announced “I love your hair, come with me!”
I opted for the two braids as my hair is so thick it tends to just fall out of a singular braid, or give me killer headaches. She did these braids in such amaaaaazing time! Now, my hair is pretty darned long, half way down my back these days. She somehow formed two gorgeous dutch braids in what, five minutes?! Is that a Guinness World record?? I bet it is.
The braiding station was a total hit and we were all completely obsessed. Each look was entirely different and perfectly executed. My personal favourite had to be Jess’s (Jessica In Your Ear) hairstyle… I want to call it a “Princess Braid”? But I’m not entirely sure if that’s right. Whatever it was, it was serious Pinterest GOALS.
The Goodie Bag
I suppose you’re all wondering how on earth I almost forgot my goodie bag? Well I’ll tell you. The event lasted between 6-8pm and as it was a school night I had to dash off as soon as 8pm came. I live in Ely which is right near Cambridge, but the station was a good 20-30 minute walk away, a train ride of 15 minutes and trying to blag a lift/walk on the other side was flooding the back of my mind.
When Lauren (Girl Running Late) asked if I’d walk with her to the station I jumped for joy and ran to get my coat. I hate walking on my own and admittedly I was a little bit tipsy off of the prosecco… We thanked Gentiana, Karen and Jessica for the AMAZING night and we headed on our merry way.
It was only on the train ride home when I finally realised that we’d left without grabbing a goodie bag… NooooOooOooOOo. Luckily for us, Karen (I Don’t Like Peas) had noticed and sent us both a message telling us we could pick it up tomorrow!
Moving on from that very silly tale, I cannot wait to show you what very generous surprises are in this goodie bag, they blew my socks off!
L’Occitane Samples
Who doesn’t need more moisturising cream in their lives? These little samples are so handy for travelling too so I’ll be adding those to the holiday collection. I’ve never tried L’Occitane before so I’m really excited to see how they go!
Kérastase Tousled Effect Spray
After speaking to the girls at Rush Hair I was absolutely thrilled to see this product in my goodie bag! It had come highly recommended to me when I said that I was growing worried about the damage bleach was doing to my hair. I was recommended Kérastase treatment by four different stylists, so I have very high expectations!!
Origins Samples
I love, love, love the packaging of these skincare products!!! They match my room decor, a huge thumbs up! They’re also so perfect for me as my skin is majorly acting up at the moment (I have stress levels and office air-con to thank for that). I’m most excited to try the Re-texturising Mask with Rose Clay… Intriguing!! I hope it’s pink…
Etta French Candle
This is my absolute favourite item from the goodie bag. It’s so perfect looking, a dream to photograph and mmmm it smells so heavenly! The scent is Wisteria and Orange Blossom; not one I would choose on my own but it’s completely captivating. You can expect to see this baby featuring as a prop in many blog photos to come.
Claireabellemakes Christmas Card
This lovely lady is so unbelievably talented. The creativity involved in making this gorgeous Christmas card goes well over my head. You can find her Etsy shop by clicking here. At the moment she has an amazing deal on especially for Christmas, spend £50 or more on your first ever purchase and receive £10 towards your next!! I already have her saved as a favourite and many of her items are hovering in my wishlist, just waiting for a good excuse.
Odylique Samples
Similar to the L’Occitane samples, these will come in suuuuper handy for trips away. I’m really excited to try the avocado cream especially… These super-foods within beauty products just make me feel healthier, whether they actually do is besides the point!
Rush Hair Christmas Card
This final touch was so sweet and made me grin from ear to ear. I was not expecting to open it and find some money off coupons! How blooming sweet?! If I don’t get round to using them all myself they will make really lovely stocking fillers so thank you Rush Hair!!!
A Huge Thank You
To all of the amazing women who made this wonderful event possible, and so enjoyable! A special thanks to Karen, Jess and Gentiana as you did such a fantastic job organising all of this and I’m honestly so grateful to have been a part of it.
It was so lovely to meet even more wonderful local bloggers who I look forward to meeting again!
Do you live in/near Cambridge? Have you ever visited Rush Hair salon? Do you go to the hair dresser’s often? Please comment below and let me know what you think!
Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to follow me on my other social media accounts, and feel free to comment below or message me for a chat. I’d love to talk to you.
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